{Final KC sneak peeks}

First off- Thank you SOOOO much to Andy & Autumn for hosting me this past weekend :-)   As always- you guys were awesome!!!  We had plans of taking Andy out for brunch on his birthday (Sunday), but he got an offer to go to the Chiefs game….needless to say he did not pick hanging out with us all day :-)    That’s okay though- I had two shoots, me, Autumn & the kids went to the Apple Festival and then Autumn made a YUMMY (soooo not healthy, but sooooo good) fried chicken dinner for Andy’s Birthday dinner. 

Since we knew we wouldn’t be able to take Andy out for brunch on Sunday, we opted to take him on Saturday.  They have a place called Sunset Grill that has this French Toast that Andy LOVES, so Sunset Grill it was.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY (belated) ANDY!!!  We are no longer the same age….until September 10th rolls around again :-)

I had a couple shoots on Sunday.  Both were great and super easy!   A very cute little girl and a very cute little family :-)    Thanks so much to Addison & the Grewe Family for coming out on Sunday and enjoy your sneak peeks!!! 

P.S.- Is anyone else LOVING all the little girl fall dresses that mom’s have been busting out for my photo shoots lately???  Just another reason I love fall…CUTE clothes :-) 

soooooooooo…..tomorrow morning I head over to the Sedlak house for a couple days while Sara & Ryan go back on the hunt for a house in Bentonville.   Oh man I’m so excited :-)  It’s going to be like Monday’s With Bella again!!!!!!  This time we get to toss Brady into the mix!  Lots of fun planned with Aunt Lissy…..but that fun won’t begin until Bella get’s through her little melt down that I KNOW she is going to have when she wakes up tomorrow morning and realizes that her mom isn’t there.  

Seriously- this girl has formed a MAJOR attachment to her mom. 

For example:  we went to the zoo the other day (which reminds me…I never posted pictures for that….I’ll do that at the end of this post) and we had to parallel park.  Sara couldn’t do it, so she jumped out and I got in the drivers seat to park the car while Sara stayed on the sidewalk and talked to her friend.   MELT DOWN CITY!!!!  Full on screaming as soon as I sat in the front seat and shut the door.  Her mom was right next to the car but that didn’t help at all.  Soooooo, yes, I’m slightly dreading Bella waking up tomorrow morning.  Maybe I’ll just go into her room with a bag full of  “tandy” :-)   Don’t get me wrong- Bella likes me- I promise.  Apparently she calls me all the time on her fake phone, ha!  She just  R E A L L Y loves having her mommy home now and R E A L L Y loves being with her all the time. 

Wish me luck :-)

Baby Brady or Baby Jesus??

So I also just realized I never posted any pictures from Brady’s Baptism…which was hysterical…so I can’t believe I forgot to talk about it. 

Well- really, the funniest part for me was Kailtin.  Bless her pregnant heart :-)  She just makes me giggle.  My thoughts are that, since she’s so little, after this baby takes everything she’s got….she’s really got nothing left.  So this baby really is taking ABSOLUTELY everything out of her.  

She is so going to kill me after this post :-)

So- observe Kaitlin at the beginning of Brady’s baptism weekend.  

Then the baptism didn’t start off too well for her either.  The priest ASKED A QUESTION?!?!?  to the God Parents.  What the heck???  Since when do they start asking legit questions that you actually have to answer??  This priest threw Kaitlin for a loop.  As you can see in the picture- Tim answered and passed with flying colors- this picture depicts Kaitlin’s response……  LOVE IT!!!  I also love Ryan’s reaction, ha!

Kaitlin also couldn’t really handle any sort of smells or gross things at this point.  So when Brady had a couple spit up accidents during his very short baptism, I thought Kaitlin was going to go out in the parking lot. 

Which reminds me- I don’t think I told you about the time Kaitlin had to throw up in my parents sink.  See- most of us were home one weekend and when everyone is home, that means there are people EVERYWHERE.  Well- kaitlin started getting sick and so she ran up to the bathroom….there sat Bella on the potty (not potty trained) just chatting it up with grandma because she just likes to hang out on the potty.  She never actually goes- she just likes to sit.  So Kaitlin runs to my parents bathroom….Carson has locked himself in the bathroom….closest place to vomit= my parents sink.    HAHAHAH!!   So Kaitlin comes out of my parents room and tell’s Carson, “no more locking the doors!!!” and then goes to Bella and tell’s her “no more sitting on the potty just to sit on the potty!!!”  and then went downstairs :-)  Actually- I think this was the weekend when Kaitlin was REALLY sick, REALLY tired, had to host a shower and helped take care of all the babies that weekend.   She’s going to be such a good mommy :-)

Ok- back to the baptism!  So, spit up…..

Accident #1

Brady is fortunate enough to have some very enthusiastic God Parents!

Is he not the cutest kid you’ve ever seen???  Seriously- he smiles ALL THE TIME!!!  He’s so stinkin’ sweet!

Then Brady got triple the amount of oil he was supposed to get. His car seat still smells to this day!

enthusiastic God Parents :-)

Spit up accident #2

This time it "SPLAT" on the marble floor.

Kaitlin was about ready to hit the road at this point!

I can't believe they're leaving me and going to Bentonville :-(

Brady with his Grandmas & Papa’s  :-)

So then there was a little get together after the baptism.  This is Kaitlin at the end of the day…….

oh Kaitlin- you know I do it because I love you :-)  Besides- despite the fact that you are exhausted, sick and pregnant…YOU LOOK ADORABLE  all the time (even if you are sprawled out on the couch)!!!!  I don’t know how you do it! 

Ok- this post got massive real quickly. 

Back to work and then to bed so I can get to the Sedlaks at 7:00 tomorrow morning :-)

8 thoughts on “{Final KC sneak peeks}

  1. Lissy,

    This is great! I sure do miss Kaitlin! She makes me laugh! I am glad you captured the moment! Your photos are just simply amazing! Yes I am a stalker. I feel better now that I got this off my chest!
    Kaitlin if you read this you look great and your hair at the baptism is adorable! Love it! :) Thanks for posting it!


  2. It doesn’t look like Brady misses a meal, even with all the spitting up, he’s looking pretty healthy. The priest who did the Baptism looks familiar, is that Fr. Doyle? He was at our Parish for years, in fact, I think he got his hair cut at Krista’s salon. Lissy, as usual, you captured the moment, all of them. Lots of happy families!

  3. Oh, Lissy, aren’t you just hilarious!! I know, I’m a complete wimp, but being pregnant wears you out! I really think that I had some sort of stomach flu that weekend- just ask Caroline because she was sick too! Good thing Brady is so, so sweet and doesn’t mind if his godmother is just a little crazy! Thanks for the nice comment, Ash!! Headbands are great for hiding greasy hair- ha.

  4. Lissy- your pics are great as usual. It was nice to see your smiling face in one:) I really could feel for Kaitlin! I was so sick during my pregnancy and it is exhausting plus you worry every time you go out that you are going to throw up in public! She is beautiful though and hopefully that part will be over soon! Your family is adorable, thanks for entertaining us all with them!

  5. Andrew really enjoyed this post. He found Kaitlin very entertaining. Hang in there Kaitlin-it will be worth it! I love Brady’s smile-such a sweet boy. And your other pictures are great too>

  6. HAHAHAHAH!!!! Poor Kaitlin! You are a trooper and soon you will be fat and happy (aka not throwing up)! Thanks for posting pics of my babies because they always make me smile. Baby Jesus Brady was hiding from the rain at the zoo and he just wanted to feel connected to his godmother by puking a little! By the way, Fr. Doyle did do the Baptism. He has been very nice to us and didn’t even make us take the baptism class again!

  7. I hope Kaitlin stays this way her whole pregnancy. It’s too entertaining… She has become more outspoken and extremely honest :)

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