{D.C. or bust}

I wanted to make T-Shirts that said that…but I’m thinking I wouldn’t get any takers on wearing them. 

So I left STL today

I had to sit next to this

and this

I don't even know what to say

 But we didn’t leave before we made complete idiots of ourselves at the Bagel shop.  Our little group of 5 is a little disaster, but it’s pretty funny to watch.  I’ve already laughed so hard that I’ve cried…3 times today. 

How cute are they?  It’s a self-portrait by dad :) 

Dad is awfully excited at the possible chance to see Obama face to face……I wonder what he would say…I didn’t bring bail money so he better keep his mouth zipped! 

They gave us these on the plane and I got so excited!!  Have you ever had these??  They’re D E L I C I O U S!

We made it to Baltimore and as we were waiting for our Shuttle to take us to D.C. they said something over the intercom system about Maryland and Caroline said, (not joking) “oh…are we in Maryland???”  I about peed my pants.  I took this picture over my head as we were coming off the plane and it’s fuzzy but it still makes me laugh.  It makes me think of Caroline saying, “oh…we’re in Maryland??”  HA!  Get’s me every time :)


Molly and her awesome skinny jeans……………….ummmmmmmmmmm.


I asked Caroline what she thought of skinny jeans…….ummmmmmmmmmmmm


Our Shuttle got stuck in some traffic.  People were actually reversing down and driving down entrance ramps to the interstate.  Then there were about 5 cars stuck in the grassy median because it appeared harmless (it’s sunny and kinda warm today) but it was in fact very swamp like because of all the snow that melted.  Even lots of SUV’s stuck. 

oh then we finally made it to our house!!!  We went in a dropped off our luggage and then hit the pavement.  We really just wanted to go do some quick sight seeing in between getting into town and to when we could actually get into the house and unpacked.  They were cleaning until 3, so we couldn’t officially “move in” until then. 


this picture is for Andy.  I’m told you will recognize it and Mom said you would be excited if I put it on here.  Something about the Lost Symbol…..  This think is actually right next to our house.


We went and got some lunch.  Yummmmyyyyy!

Then we ventured around and I got some fun pictures :)


this next one makes me laugh SO hard.  We look like such tourist and I know we are tourist (along with everyone else) but it’s just so funny.

Everyone was excited to get outside!

soaking in the sun :)

This is when dad spotted the White House. What thoughts do you think are running through his head?? ha ha

Now we are back at the house unpacking and figuring out where we want to go for dinner.  I think we will all sleep well tonight.  Molly might need some Tylenol PM because I think she as earned herself a spot on that little white couch,ha! 


8 thoughts on “{D.C. or bust}

  1. I’m feeling a little jealous right now. Don’t you think the kids would have gotten more out of a trip to Washington than to Iowa? :) We are actually watching Night at the Museum II right now to make us feel like we are there with you in some little way. It looks like you are having a good time and please keep Dad in check. But just in case, Andrew is certified to practice in the Federal court.

  2. I will gladly contribute to the bail money, if it becomes necessary – it would be SO worth it! Have a great trip. I can’t wait to hear more about your adventures.

  3. Don’t worry about looking like tourists and go see everything you can. It is too cool and besides, like Mom always said “You are never going to see these people again so what do you care.” Now that I think about it, we must have look pretty rediculous on all of our vacations because I remember hearing that line over and over. Good thing we never blogged about our family vacations till now. Wrong way on an exit ramp sounds very familiar (WDW!!!) Glad to see we still vacation “Early Style” with only 5 people. Tell Dad to have fun but don’t go to jail. It would break my heart to think of Dad sitting in the clinker. Is that how you spell it. The house looks so adorable! Keep posting because I love watching and Bella is always looking for Papa, Gama, Care and Mol. What she wants to know is when is she going to see “Lish”? She misses her and Lish is on this trip too so she needs to get in some pictures!

    • We’ve taken pictures of Lissy but she won’t put them on the blog…I guess if it’s your blog you decide what people will see. But for Bella, I’m sure you’ll see Liss today!
      Thank you Tanya, Denny & Kathy, if we need your help we’ll be calling…take all calls with 660!

  4. Are all the girls in white coats?…..UMMMMM Mom & Dad in black coats? Is this so you don’t get lost?
    Caroline showing her butt is so unlike the girl we know! LOL

  5. I’m in on the bail money too! Let’s make this a challenge. NOBAMA!

    Have fun in DC! I’ve never been, but hoping to visit Donna soon.

  6. Pingback: {Merry Christmas!!!!} « Miss Prissiness Blog

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