{Monday’s With Bella}

I didn’t forget :-)

Well, Monday was the day I was waiting for the dealership to call me so Bella & I just hung out at home.  She was busy cooking, emptying drawers, filling her “bag” (a ziplock bag) with random items from the house, hopping, running, etc.  Bella is always a busy little bee.  

At one point, I was on the phone with my mom and I was trying to return some emails while she played and then……

You can see Bella's foot right by my computer. This is how close she sits to me when I'm on my computer.

 I suddenly had a tea party on my lap.  

Did I ever show you these??  how cute are they?!?!?  They are perfect for Bella because she thinks she’s a “fraa” (frog) and she’s got mad hoppin’ skills.  She also got a new pair of Nike’s (she is so funny when she says “nikeee” from her mom and dad last weekend and they help her actually get off the ground when she hops.  Get this…..she get’s like an 1/8″ off the ground!!!!  I think we’ve found the next hopeful candidate for the high jump.  Is that what it’s even called??  high jump??

This is Bella’s area of the house.  Pretty nice, huh?  She likes to fry lots of stuff, iron her blankets, put the iron in the microwave, give people unhealthy amounts of coffee, wash her hands (it’s funny…she makes you roll up her sleeves to wash her hands in her fake sink), not share her desserts, microwave cookies, eat lots of french fries and ketchup and lots of other “Bella like” things. 

How cute is she??  I just love her :-)   

She thinks Cookie (cookie monster…her idol) is in my camera so she likes to wave at him a lot. 

I should probably point out that her hair is not my fault.  It was in a cute ponytail but then she insisted on having “pup” in her hair.  Pup is the puppy clip my parents got her for Valentines Day and she is OBSESSED with it.  I think it’s been in her hair every day since Valentine’s day. 

Then it was time for lunch and Bella finally decided to confront me on something.  She wanted to know why I feel the need to take pictures of her while she eats lunch.

 I told her it was because I just love her little face that I can’t not take pictures of it.  Plus, your strapped in a seat during lunch and it keeps you from running away from the camera. 

Then she told me I was silly, but she did agree on the fact that she is pretty cute. 

After lunch she wanted some Oreo’s and after I gave her some (those mini oreos) she started jumping around saying, “OOOREEEOOO!  OOORRREEEOOO!!  OOORREEEEOOOO!!” 

Here is what I was talking about earlier with the whole “putting random things into the Ziplock bag” shenanigans.  Bella can be an odd bird sometimes, but then again….what almost 3-year-old isn’t a bit odd??   In this picture she is trying her hardest to explain her reasoning to me. 

Oh man look at those eye lashes!  Such a little cutie :-) 

Bella went down for her nap, Sara got home, bella got up, I cleaned out my car, Ryan got home, we went and got my car, went and got sandwiches, sara & bella came out and checked out my new car, went inside and Bella had a melt down because she wanted to go back out to my car, I gave her cookies, ate dinner and called everyone in my family to tell them I was a big girl and got a car, finished dinner, Bella decided to repeatedly ignore her father’s request for her not to jump in the laundry basket full of clean clothes with her tennis shoes on, Bella smiled at her dad (this is Bella’s I’m going to do it even though you told me not to smile) and got back in the basket, Bella got in trouble and she decided to cry a lot, I told her she needed to toughen up and be like her aunt Caroline who would tell my parent’s “didn’t hurt!” when she would get spanked,  after 30 secs. of crying Bella decided to move onto something else, I decided it was time to hit the road and go home, I got home with out wrecking my car. 


4 thoughts on “{Monday’s With Bella}

  1. those dark brown eyes just get me every week – such a cutie! and I love your stories about how you and Bella spend your days.
    congrats on your new set of wheels – I know you’ll make some memories with this car, too, and it will have enough room for all your work gear, too! enjoy!

  2. Carson misses Bella so much. He loves looking at her pictures on the blog. He even says her name Bella like a real Bella. Give her hugs and kisses for us.

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