{Maybe a Dingo ate your baby!}

That title really has nothing to do with this post.  It just had the word “baby” in it and that’s the main focus of this post……and I like to quote that line when I’ve been drinking…accent and all  :-)   I also like to quote the “you better get on that damn swan”  line from Drop Dead Gorgeous….accent and all.  What??  You’ve never seen it??  It’s a horrible movie I won at After Prom in high school and my sister and I have had an addiction to it ever since.  It’s those Minnesota accents- makes me giggle every time :-)  



You read that flyer correctly……I’m getting all sorts of creepy and asking if we can borrow your baby :-)   It’s totally worth it because you get some pictures of your cute, new, squisy baby for FREE!!!!   Go ahead and do it,  it’s totally okay to pimp your baby out to me :-)  

Lindsey is going to have her first newborn shoot coming up in October and we need to get her some practice.  I typically do my newborn shoots during the week since both parents are usually off work and that way I can save my weekend openings for people who work all week.   Well, this doesn’t work out too well for Lindsey because she has a full-time job and can only make it to my weekend shoots…..bummer……… 

So we devised a plan to see if some crazy person would lend us their baby for some practice :-)  No we will not be coming to your house and taking your baby.  We will be coming to your house, but we’ll stay there. 

I’m going to be honest……..I invade people’s houses when I do newborn shoots.  Ladies & gentlemen,  a newborn shoot requires a TON OF STUFF.  I will bring in approximately 5-6 loads of randomness.   Your husband is going to be secretly freaking out, your going to be so excited when you see all the props and your both going to be wondering, “why in the hell is this crazy girl bringing in a space heater when it’s 105 outside?!?!”  

Just trust me :-) 

Then I start moving your furniture to get the perfect lighting spot, then I turn on all my heating sources and make you feel like you’re going to pass out (but your baby will be snuggly and sleepy….fingers crossed)  and then I start posing your baby in all different props, bows, diaper covers, cocoons, etc.   

And then BAM……a few hours have gone by and you feel like you’ve run a marathon :-) 

So who’s up for it????  Anyone??  (crickets……..) 

As the flyer says- your baby will need to be no older than 2 weeks on Sunday, August 21st.  If  I’m going to be real honest- I like to get them at under a week.   PLUS you need to live in ST. LOUIS.  Not in Kirksville, not in Columbia, not in a town 45 minutes away from St. Louis.   In St. Louis :-)   August 21st is a date that worked for both Lindsey and myself, so that’s the reason for the date.  

So here is how it’s going to go…………if you want to be considered, leave a comment with your name, email address, phone number, location and due date.   Leave the comment on THIS post- don’t leave it on some other random post because chances are I’ll never see it.   You can also just email me at missprissiness@hotmail.com if that’s easier for you.   Then we’ll make a list of 4 or 5 potential babies based off due dates, planned C-sections, etc.   We’ll keep in touch with those mom’s and whenever the baby arrives that fits most into the timing- we’ll post it on the blog and send out an email letting all the other mom’s know that we have a baby.  

Note to all those thinking about entering:  This will NOT be a typical newborn session.  It will be more so about teaching Lindsey different tips & techniques.  We will be taking pictures of your baby and you have access to the digital files of some of those pictures after they are fully edited, but we won’t be doing the birth announcements, the 4×6 proofs and we will more than likely not go as long as a typical newborn shoot goes. 


I’m off to KC later this afternoon for some shoots this weekend and apparently I also get to go see Cinderella at the Starlight theater with Miss Briley Mae :-)      

Oh….and I also get to hang out with this guy….   :-)


8 thoughts on “{Maybe a Dingo ate your baby!}

  1. I would totally let you borrow my baby, but unfortunately i’m not due until sept. 26…on the other hand i could go way early. i will be 32 weeks on monday and the last ultrasound i had at 30 weeks, they said the baby was already 4 pounds! I have a feeling i will not make it to sept. 26th. I’ll keep you informed if she comes early.

  2. I love it when you get to the “You better get on that damn swan” point!!! You crack me up! I’m thinking of up and coming babies for you but they all seem to arrive a little too late…I’ll keep thinking about it.

  3. Hi Lissy, We are due Aug 31, but we are most positive that I will deliver early. We would LOVE to get photos with you, the pictures of Elia, Mike and Maria Krause’s daughter (who also referred us), is absolutely brilliant and gorgeous! Thank you, Kay and Steve Bieber

  4. Lissy, I’m due Aug. 24th, but like the other expecting moms, I’m hoping to go early. If that’s the case, I will certainly keep you posted, as we’d love to take you up on your offer. My husband and I loved your work of Rohan Patel (Priyal Patel’s son).

    Thank you,
    Jadea and Siroos Abolahrari

    • Hi Jadea!!! It’s Sara! Heard about the new family addition and Ryan and I are very excited for you and Siroos! Have so much fun and go out to eat while you still can!

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