{Mr. & Mrs. Conley}

Where to even begin?!?! 

I’m back from Disney World and I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck and slipped a huge bottle of sleeping pills.  Needless to say, getting up for my shoots today was H A R D.   I have THOUSANDS of pictures to sort through before I do a post about our big trip- but I promise it will be awesome when it does happen.  It was so much fun :-)  Exhausting at times, but fun.  My favorite part was watching and listening to all my  nieces & nephews.   Dear Lord they say and do some of thee funniest things!  So yes- more to come on Disney later……

but for now………

I have a HUGE sneak peek for the ever so patient Jeremy & Christina Conley.  They were married last Saturday (yeah- that day we got up to 100 degrees) and unfortunately I had to catch a flight early the next morning, so their sneak peek had to wait till after vacation.  They were going to be on the beach and without internet access for a week- so they said they didn’t mind :-)   I’m sure they are feeling WAYYYY more rested after their vacation as opposed to how exhausted I feel after mine, ha! 

The Conley wedding was so much fun.  It was the first time I had Lindsey (she’s been my sidekick here and there over the past few months) second shoot with me and she did GREAT!  The weather was hot, but no rain.  We got to go to some of my favorite pictures spots and we were even able to do the final spot without any hiccups.  I’ve always thought that Boogaloo would be the perfect spot for candid wedding party pictures….turns out I was right :-)   They have swings on one side of their bar….swings!   How could I pass it up??  I had a St. Louis wedding, with enough time between the wedding and reception to use all my fun spots…I decided we were doing it no matter what!! I timed it out so that we would get there just as they opened and it wouldn’t be too crowded and we wouldn’t be a huge nuisance.   I LOVE the pictures.  They have such a old Hollywood look to them and they just make me giddy :-) 

Thanks for being so open to all my ideas, thanks for having such a fun wedding party and thanks for letting me run by my apartment to grab the lens I forgot :-)  No joke- I forgot a lens (my stomach dropped when I realized I forgot it) at my apartment, but luckily my apartment was on the way to our first picture spot….so the bus stopped for me!  You guys were so much fun to work with and I’m so excited to see if we can make my next idea work :-)  Side note: I’ve asked Jeremy & Christina to be guinea pigs for a shoot I’m wanting to try….Hopefully we can get it in sometime over the next few weeks and I can share with everyone!

Enjoy your sneak peek, Conley’s!!


Makes me laugh :-)

Cutest kiddos :-)
oh, boys will always be boys :-)


Ok- this week is going to be crazy.  I had two shoots today, two shoots tomorrow, two shoots on Tuesday, one shoot on Thursday and a drive back to Kirksville, one shoot on Friday, a wedding to shoot in Columbia on Saturday,  Father’s Day on Sunday (and a shoot), one shoot on Monday and then back to St. Louis monday night!   Not to mention a Weigh-In Day blog post that is over due from vacation and PILES of editing to get done.
Wish me luck :-)  Being busy is a good problem to have!

7 thoughts on “{Mr. & Mrs. Conley}

  1. What fun and cute ideas! Love the chalkboard scene and the boogaloo pictures are adorable! Can’t wait to see what you get done this week! As Dorie says – Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!!!!

  2. Lissy, these pictures are amazing….I love the stone wall with the ivy as a background, the outside ones, the Boogaloo ones and the ceremony….the most remarkable part of each and every photo is that the background always compliments but never upstages the “Bride & Groom” . Love, love, love these!!!

  3. Lissy, you have a GREAT eye! These are wonderful…I’m always amazed at how you seem to out-do yourself!! This girl’s colors were great too…love her blue shoes!

  4. Lissy, these pics are amazing!!! Totally love the chalkboard wall! Disney’s R&R (Rides and Relatives, not Rest and Relaxation) must have been good for the soul, because you really did an amazing job with this wedding! Way to go!

  5. Pingback: {Vacation} « Miss Prissiness Blog

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