{A day without my camera}

Nope!  Didn’t have it once today.  I felt like I lost 10 lbs :-)

So, I will just give you some highlights of our day:

-Got woken up at 5:45 (4:45 STL time) by the smell of our fridge when my dad opened it this morning.  We’ve had a lot of left overs that have some strong smells. 
-Sat in line for the White House tour.  It was cold.
-White House was very cool and our tour guide was great.  He and his wife are actually expecting their third baby at any point now and he was super excited.  He kept grabbing is phone to make sure it was working :-) 
-didn’t see anyone important at the White House, but it was still so neat to go through it.  It’s much smaller than I thought, but then again it is a home and doesn’t need to be super large. 
-Obama was in town today and he had a meeting with the Greek Prime Minister at the exact time of our tour.  They were actually getting the tour areas ready for a little party they were having for the Prime Minister tonight.  The tour areas are the same areas they use for social events. 
-Obama will be in St. Louis tomorrow
-We did our Captiol tour after our White House tour.  It was equally impressive and all the history is insane!  absolutely crazy to think of the different people that have walked the same halls.
-Walked past Nancy Pelosi’s office and we were all disgusted, ha!  We were talking at dinner and we decided that we should have gotten a picture of dad in front of her office flipping her the bird.  HA!  Oh man it makes me laugh just thinking about it :-)
-Our tour guide was from St. Louis.  She was super sweet and it turns out she is good friends with one of Caroline’s good friends.  Small world!
-Decided to go to the Air & Space Museum to get some lunch and see all the exhibits. 
-Caroline & I did some Fighter Jet Simulator thing and it was hilarious!  I wish I would have gotten it on video.  Caroline is the worst pilot known to man but I’m an amazing “gunner”….I can shot anything!  We were upside down pretty much the entire time and we were screaming, snorting, yelling at each other, almost peeing our pants, etc.  I hope they couldn’t hear us from the outside……….that would be real embarrassing if they could :-)
-Lots of really cool stuff at the Air & Space Museum! 
-Got some more caffeine and went to sit in the sun
-I almost got pooped on by a bird.
-Molly did some cheers for us in the park.  That’s when mom decided we should move on because of Molly’s sudden urge to bust out some cheerleader moves.
-Caroline got stuck behind the counter at the Metro Station
-I almost got stuck between the doors of a Metro Car because some people (mom, dad, Molly & Caroline) couldn’t make up their minds as to whether or not they wanted to get on or not. ….at least I think that happened today….or did that happen yesterday????  I can’t remember.
-Got more Krispy Kremes once we came up from the metro but decided to up it to a dozen this time.  We figured we could eat them for breakfast tomorrow……….There are currently about 2 donuts left.
-At some yummy dinner a Circa Dupont. 
-Talked about mom & dad’s families and all their crazy stories.  Something about some guy shooting out some street lights, some uncle chasing our other grandpa with a gas hose still attached to his truck, some guy throwing all the Baring Lake picnic tables into the lake, some guy speeding past his parents house with a cop following soon after, etc. 
-Walked back to the house and it was a beautiful night!  LOVING this weather.   We don’t want to go back to Missouri’s weather just yet :-)
-Ready to go to bed.  At least we don’t have to be out the door by 6:45 tomorrow morning

I will be back tomorrow with new pictures :-)

6 thoughts on “{A day without my camera}

  1. Terry says he is innocent, doesn’t know anything about it, or who did any of it, Lissy I just love this, and Mike you better behave up there, all eyes are on you, sounds like you are having a great time, and good for you all Carol A

  2. Sounds like you all are having a great time!! Can’t believe you did not have your camera for the Capitol tour. Bummer. Also, am jealous you guys got the White House tour. We tried, but didn’t get to,(not enough notice) Also, the American History Museum was closed when we went–we’ll have to go back.
    Oh, and by the way 70 plus degrees in St. Louis today….just for Obama, I guess!
    Have fun.

  3. I’m laughing about Pelosi’s office – pretty funny! When Beth did her internship on the Hill last summer, she did it in that office building with Congressman Parker Griffith (Mike will be happy to know that he switched from being a Democrat to Republican this summer because he was frustrated with Nancy Pelosi). One day last summer, I got a text from Beth that said something like “headed over to the Capital because we heard there was a protest on the steps and had to see it. On the way, Nancy Pelosi and her entourage came busting out of her office on the way to a press conference – almost ran into her.” Now, if that had been the Early party rather than Beth, we’d probably be getting the bail money ready!

  4. Anthony and I took the Capitol tour in October, we actually have a picture of Pelosi’s office door, I am sure you can photo shop your dad in front of it. It was a quick picture because I was afraid Anthony would go right in and say a few things and we didn’t have “bail money”

  5. I started to accost an older gent at Hy-Vee last night because he had a Pelosi sticker on his car….but the closer I got I realized it said REMOVE Pelosi! We are friends now (me and the guy).

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