{Crazy Kids}

You hear me talk about this kid a lot


but I don’t think I’ve ever really talked about this girl…who does this when I tell her to smile


then I ask her to do a pretty smile and she still looks constipated, ha!  So finally I just tell her to laugh and I get this


oh, there it is!  I love Ellie’s litte big smile :)  Then I ask her to show her true colors…


HA!  and this is why I love this girl!  Ellie is silly, loving, sensitive, sweet, moody, a mommy in training, scatterbrained, an emotional roller coaster, girly, etc.  Oh man I get a kick out of her!  Spend 30 minutes with Ellie and you will know what I’m talking about.  She is a girl through and through.  She LOVES pink (everything in Ellie’s world is pink), playing dress up, make up, tea sets, dancing, taking care of Lincoln, hugging everyone (except for me when I leave to go back to St. Louis…such a stinker!), chocolate, princesses, her daddy, her papa’s, her mommy, her grandmas, her cousins (they all call each other via their fake cell phones), her aunts & uncles (sometimes), her bunny, her big girl room, shopping, clothes, and on and on.  Like any typical girl Ellie also has her fair share of melt downs, crazy moments and freak outs…and it is SO funny to watch.  She will randomly just start crying and when you ask her what’s wrong she will say, “I don’t know!”  HAHA!  She also does this thing where she will going from crying to doing the scary laugh in .2 seconds flat.   I will have to try and get it on video sometime because there are no words to describe it.  Her mom know’s what I’m talking about :) 


Put these two together and it’s complete craziness!  No one understands how they came from Ali & Andrew…


But they’re pretty cute and they take care of each other.  Jackson is a very good big brother :)


Then this poor kid got tossed into the mix!  And he was scared to death…


But he’s just as silly as his brother & sister


No reason for this post, I just thought I would share my pictures from last weekend when I was home :)  The Farwells were being exceptionally cute!  I also felt like I should be acknowledging my other nieces & nephews since I do a Monday’s With Bella post every Monday.  Next up with be Miss Briley!  That is, if we are ever home at the same time.  Andy & Autumn decided to bail on my parent’s big Halloween party!!!  Everyone was so excited because the WHOLE family was going to be home and then…they bailed!  LOSERS :)  No, I’m kidding!  They wanted to do their own thing this year.  They live in a SUPER cute neighborhood with tons of kids and they want Briley to experience a Halloween there.  Their culdesac is full of really fun families, so I completely understand wanting see what Halloween is like with all the neighbors.  I will continue to give them crap because that’s what I do :)  You know I love you!  After I get pictures of Briley, I will move onto Mr. Carson.  This is also nearly impossible because they live in Dallas for some reason.  We’re not quite sure why :)  My mom is just waiting for them to realize that there is nothing keep them there and they should just move back to Missouri.  hint hint.  They will be back for Halloween and Thanksgiving so I will be able to steal Mr. Carson for some pictures then :) 

 Thanksgiving is my only opportunity this year to do our Christmas Card picture- no pressure!  That is when everyone will be home since this is an “off” year for Christmas.  Our “off” years are the years that our siblings go to their in-law’s houses for Christmas.  I think it’s hysterical that we call it an “off” year because it’s still a mad house FULL of people.  Next year will be our “on” year and it is going to be NUTS!  We will have TEN grandkids at Christmas next year…if not more.  We will have at least 25 people sleeping at my parent’s house.  It sounds crazy, but it really is the most fun!  The 25 isn’t counting the 5 Farwell’s that will be sleeping at their own house.  My parent’s have already started prepping.  They have invested in sleeper sofas for the basement, cots for the grandkids, pack and plays, a trundle-bed for the pool house and lots and lots of blankets!  I think we need to add on another bathroom, but that’s just my opinion :) 

Too much fun!  Anyway, I need to go.  I’m meeting some friends for lunch, then I have TONS of editing to finish, errands to run, and things to finish up before I head back to Kirksville tomorrow morning.  I have SIX shoots this weekend…SIX!!!  2  seniors, 3 families & 1 engagement…I’m so excited :)

P.S.- My Forest Park Mini Shoots (nov. 7th) are filling up and I’ve had people request to book (2) 30 minute spots and do my Christmas Card Package ($160).  I’m totally fine with that, so contact me if you want to block off an hour and do a Christmas Card shoot.

3 thoughts on “{Crazy Kids}

  1. Carson can’t wait to join the fun next week. The Farwell kids are just the cutest little ones when you put them in front of a camera. I love the CHEESE!

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