{Guess who gets to go to Vermont in about a month??}

This girl!   It’s only for like 3 days, but who the heck cares?!?!   3 days is 3 days and it’s better than no days :-)  

The mom & dad of these two precious red heads are making it official and when they asked me if I would head up north with them to shoot their wedding…..I didn’t even think twice!!   It will be a week day, Monday to Wednesday type of deal, so it’s super quick……but….I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I’ll be in KC that weekend for Andy’s big 30th birthday party (woo hoo!!) and then I’m just going to fly out from KC on Monday, we’ll fly in to NYC and then travel up to Newfane, VT.   There we are going to stay in a bed & breakfast, do all wedding stuff on Tuesday & Tuesday night, head back to NYC on Wednesday morning and then I fly out Wednesday late afternoon. 

HOW ADORABLE IS THAT???  You want to know the best part???  We are going to be there during their “Fall Foliage” season :-)   I soon as Kisha told me that, I decided new boots were in order!   So I marched my tush around town today lookin for new boots :-)   You need cute, new boots for Vermont, right??   Don’t answer that….unless your answer is yes. 


Wanna see what I’ve been doing the past few days??

On Sunday Lindsay and I did our “let us use your baby for practice” newborn shoot :-)  Rachel, her mom and her baby boy Carson traveled down from Kirksville so that Carson could be our go-to baby.  Rachel went about 2 weeks early, which put somewhat of a kink in our original plans for her newborn shoot, so we solved it by having her come down here for our Sunday shoot.  Win, win :-)   Carson was such a sweet little guy.  I taught Lindsay some stuff, she took some pictures, I took some pictures, we ate some imo’s, Carson smiled like 3 times (it was awesome),  we FILLED my tiny apartment with newborn props, we moved my furniture, etc.   Overall it went very well. 

As of right now…all the newborn props are still in my living room…ugh!  I was super tired after the shoot and ever since then, every time I walk by that pile of stuff, I just think about the amount of time it’s going to take to organize it and the multiple trips to and from my car it’s going to take to load it….so I just keep walking :-) 

I’ve tried to watermark the pictures so that you can tell which one’s I took and which one’s Lindsay.  She did such a GOOD job, so give her lots of comments :-) 

P.S.- I’m slow sometimes I totally misspelled Lindsay’s name on her watermarks.  Just ignore it.

On Monday, my friend Andrea & her baby girl Lucciana (Lulu, Lucy, Lu, etc) came over so that we could hang out for the day and do some one year pictures for Miss Lu.  As of Monday- these are now some of my favorite pictures ever.   The lighting was perfect, Lulu was in a good mood, her blue dress was ADORABLE and her eyes were super sparkly.  Little Lulu, you are just one of the most precious things I’ve ever seen :-) 

We started out in my bedroom of all places, ha!  Lulu has a TON of shoes and Andrea wanted to do a picture with her sitting in the middle of some of her favorites.  We had them set up all cute, but of course they were destoryed in seconds :-)

Then we headed down to the back alley of my apartment, ha!  I pick the best places :-) 

Then finally we decided to go to a normal shoot location, so we headed down the street to Forest Park.  I saw some random spot (truth be told it looked like a construction site) that I liked, so we whipped over to the side of the road, parked and set up shop :-)

Then we had to stop because we lost Lulu’s attention.   She was OBSESSED with this Cross Country team that was having practice in the same area we were shooting at.  It was pretty funny.  She kept yelling and pointing at them every time they ran by us :-)

On Tuesday I met up with these two cuties.  Do you remember them??  I’ve been taking pictures of Caroline & Lane since they were babies and now they are THREE!!!!!  Not only are they three (which is just crazy to me), but now they also have a brand new baby brother named Will…..and he looks exactly like Caroline :-)  

Caroline & Lane were SO AWESOME!!!  They had practiced their smiles and they were good to go.  They’re just too cute :-)


Can you tell I’m a bit obsessed with my white chair right now??  I love it, the kids love it, we all love it :-)

Ok- I’m getting back to work.  I will hopefully be back tomorrow with a special surprise for Miss Molly. 

oh the suspense :-)

12 thoughts on “{Guess who gets to go to Vermont in about a month??}

  1. Lindsay and Lissy you did such an amazing jobs on baby Carson’s pictures. I love love love the picture with his eyes open the most!!

    • Glad you liked them! I was just telling Lissy that it was pretty easy since we had such a CUTE subject! :-)
      thanks for letting me “try out” with your precious babe!

  2. Lissy, love these pictures. You get the very best out of the kids.

    By the way love the picture of you, and enjoy the Vermont trip, sounds like a great time, and did you get the boots???

  3. How exciting to go to Vermont!!! I have always wanted to go there. I am going to make mike take me! Have a blast, love the pics as always

  4. What a fun group of Cuties! Carson is a sweetie pie and you both got some perfect pics! Love the Moose! Lulu always melts my heart and her Mom buys her they cutest stuff! The shoes, the dress – Love the one with Andrea and her feet! Caroline and Lane are getting big but still look the exact same – isn’t that wierd. I will have to show Bella how 3 year olds should behave for photo shoots!

  5. Lissy- thanks for posting my work here on the blog, and allowing me to push, beg, and plead my way in, so you can teach my all your AWESOME tricks!!!! Seriously, I am so grateful for your time and friendship! The newborn shoot was so much fun! :-) Maybe I should swing by and help you organize that prop pile? :-)

  6. More awesome shoots, dearest! And Lindsay is so lucky to have you mentor her – she is very talented, it’s obvious!
    I’m excited you get the chance to visit Vermont! So jealous…have a great time and be sure to post pictures of your new boots! Ha!

  7. Okay, I have always wanted to go to Vermont in the fall – why am I not going?! Love the pictures of Carson, love the “fly away” hair and his Mommmy’s dimples…so sweet. Great work Lissy & Lindsay As I mentioned earlier, Lulu’s pictures in the blue dress are timeless – absolutely adorable. Caroline and Lane are still precious – cute pictures.
    Did I mention that I have always wanted to go to Vermont…..?

  8. Carson is so stinkin cute!! I LOVE that hair :) Very good job Lindsay! Miss Lulu has gotten so big. The blue dress is so sweet and I love the one with the feet!

  9. Aww I didn’t know you were taking pictures of Carson! He is so SWEET! Rachel, he does have your dimples- so cute! Can’t wait to see him! Lissy, your picture of Vermont reminds me of the movie, Hocus Pocus :-) I agree cute boots are definitely a necessity for this trip!

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